Submission Guidelines
Although we are a biannual publication with deadlines for each issue, we accept year-round rolling submissions that are completely free. We accept and encourage simultaneous submissions! Just make sure that other places you are sharing your work also permit simultaneous submissions. If you are submitting a piece that has been previously published, please indicate where your work was originally published so that we can offer proper acknowledgments.
If you are seven, twenty-one, or any age in between, you may submit to Writeadelic! Each of our issues has two sections, so please submit your work to the appropriate section based on your age.
Junior Section: ages 7-12 (parent permission required)
Senior Section: 13-21
We accept both writing and art submissions. Please do not submit additional pieces until we have responded to your most recent submissions. You may submit once to the art category and once to each of the subsections of the writing category.
When it comes to uploading, please name your submission uploads with the genre and title of your work.
Please include trigger warnings if your work may be suggestive of sensitive topics. Given that Writeadelic caters to various age groups (including younger children), we reserve the right to refuse publication of a piece with gratuitous profanity, sensuality, or violence. Writeadelic will reject any submissions that promote hate and prejudice of any kind. Additionally, we do not condone plagiarism, so please only submit original pieces; all submissions must be the sole production of the writer. Please note that we do not accept fan fiction of any kind.
We hope to respond to all submissions within three months. Submissions that violate our guidelines will not be considered for publication. If we have not responded to your submission after three months, reach out to us at
Writeadelic asks for one-time, nonexclusive rights to publish writing; we ask for the irrevocable, worldwide, non-exclusive right to publish/display art. All rights revert back to the submitter upon the publication of their work.
Writing Submission Form and Guidelines
For writing submissions, we accept .pdf and .docx files via the button below. We have no word limit for submissions, but the length should be within reason - no book manuscripts, please!
You may submit a maximum of five pieces across all writing genres. You may submit up to three poems. For any other writing form (short story, creative nonfiction, play, etc.), please only submit one piece within that category per submission.
We do accept submissions in any language as long as they are accompanied by an English translation and an acknowledgment of and permission from whoever translated the work (the translator must be either the writer themself or someone who is 7 - 21 years old).
Presently we offer feedback on submissions to the Junior Section only; if you are eligible for this category and request feedback, we would be happy to provide a few lines to you! Note that this may slightly delay response times.
Art Submission Form and Guidelines
Art submissions may be uploaded in the format of a .jpg or .png photograph via the button below. We prefer it if photo quality is 300+ pixels per inch.
One submission to the art category may include up to five works of any medium. We unfortunately do not provide feedback to art submissions at this time.
We invite artists to submit a 50-100 word explanation of their art, its meaning or significance, background context, or the process behind its creation, if they wish.​